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Nautical Navy

Hi friends! I'm happy you found your way here. Since this is one of my first posts I figured I'd do a Q+A before talking about things that matter more! If you have any questions you'd like to add for the next time I do this, please comment here or DM them on Instagram (@_baileysophia)!

Age - 22

School - Florida State University (c/o 2017)

Favorite food - Buffalo chicken

Something you're afraid of - FROGS! and heights as of late.

Favorite sport - Basketball, then football, then gymnastics

Closest thing to magic - Sunsets + dancing

Something you don't like - Mushrooms

Favorite board game - Monopoly

Celebrity crush - Ryan Guzman

Favorite animal - Bears + Seahorses (so random, I know!)

Something you are proud of - Graduating

Favorite superhero - Suuuuuperman

Something you remember from your childhood - Sitting in my grandma's kitchen watching her cook. How stoked I was when the toothfairy left me her signature. Eating ice cream sundaes on summer nights in Rosemary Beach.

Favorite holiday - C H R I S T M A S

Something you enjoy - Being around my family. Dancing. Traveling/exploring new places.Creating recipes. Just a few of many!

Favorite fruit - Mango

Best concert you've been to - John Legend and Bruno Mars are tied.

Favorite flower - Peonies

Show you wish you could be in - Friends

Favorite ice cream flavor - Cookies 'n Cream

About the outfit : This is a nautical outfit that I threw together because I loved these navy pants. I get a lot of my clothes at places like TJ Maxx or Marshall's, so like these (shirt + pants), I can't link you to the exact outfit details. However, I am finding the closest matches that will have the same vibe!

Shoes - CLICK

White Striped Shirt - CLICK

Navy Tee - CLICK

Navy Pants - CLICK

©2017 by Bailey Sophia

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