Thoughts Thursday: Spring Makeup
I'm that girl that knows so little about makeup.. I don't keep up with new releases, brands, what's trending, etc. I just know what works for me and brands that I like! I've try new stuff from time ot time, because it's fascinating to me how different brands are and how makeup evolves over time. I just got my new vanity in today and I was browsing Sephora because now I have room for options rather than just what I can fit in my travel bag that I've been living out of! Hoooooraaay!
So, here are some (mostly brand new) things I've been looking at that I used for Thoughts Thursday. Do you think I should make a post linking what I use for my "every day" look?
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Each Thursday I come to you live... well, in my stories, to get your opinions! Our topics will range from outfits/clothing, to travel destinations, home decor, personal habits and more. I will learn about you and in-turn, share links when applicable.
CLICK the PHOTO to shop! (and as usual, let me know what you get)